Download and installation
Kramerius software download and installation
The Kramerius software is developed under an open source license and can be downloaded free of charge here:
Before installing Kramerius it‘s necessary to install the following system components:
- Java: Oracle JDK 1.6 and higher (
- App server: needs to support the Servlet 2.5 and JSP 2.1 specifications or newer (the described sample intallation presumes the usage of Apache Tomcat 6).
- Database: Postgres 8.4 or newer (
- Storage: Fedora Commons 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, 3.7 or 3.8 (
- SMTP server: any
Kramerius 5 does not require any specific revisions of the components mentioned above, it’s generally sensible to use them with the latest updates. The instructions for installation and administration of these system components are not included in this documentation, we presume that an administrator of the Kramerius 5 app can master these procedures by themselves.
You can use any operating system to run these components, the Kramerius 5 app itself does not have any system requirements. The system is developed and tested on common Linux distributions. The server’s hardware must be sized according to the amount of data in point, we recommend the hard drive to have at least twice the size of the projected volume of image files. With regard to the high demands of graphic data processing (page previews, zooming), even the minimal traffic requires at least 8 GB RAM.
You can find out more about the methods of installation: